Tiffany & Bosco won the 2020 Maricopa Chapter All in For Women Award through the Arizona Women Lawyers Association. Over 20 firms applied. Of those, several firms were recognized and received awards (including Perkins Coie and Gammage & Burnham, among others), but our firm received the final award of the evening and the highest praise from Vice Chief Justice Ann A. Scott Timmer. Justice Timmer spent time detailing the statistics of our firm which show a dedicated effort to hire and promote women, the variety of leadership positions held by the women of our firm, and the success of our Women Lawyers Forum (WOLF). I am very thankful for the group of dynamic women we have at our firm and for the ongoing efforts of our firm – through both men and women – to continue to be a shining example in the legal community of a culture that supports women lawyers. There are many firms that merely pay lip service to the idea of supporting the women who work there. I am proud to belong to a firm that walks the walk.